December Visit

Pavilion renderings

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Modular Bookshelf


First Person Mapping of Carbondale


This was my presentation board for the first brief, the mapping of Carbondale.

— Jamey Armstrong

Carbondale Walk From Behind

cdale walk_web

This was the documentation of a walk to explore the city of Carbondale IL from a different perspective. I walked through Carbondale heading West for about 2 hours. The walk consisted of walking and documenting the trip, and what I documented was the backs of buildings. I wanted to explore not just the city but the part of the city that nobody hardly ever sees.  I didn’t want to take the main road, I didn’t want to see the main perspective that everyone else sees.  so when I came to a fork in the road i would chose the one less traveled, the road that was hidden. the ally way behind the structure. Thus giving me a view of the hidden facade, the face of the building that was not intended for public view.  The results in turn proved to be quite interesting.

Andrew D. Wyne

Cool Recycling

These were just some cool pics from a wedding I went to.  All the interior partitions were made from recycled CO2 canisters from fountain soda.

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Pavilion Renderings

Im having trouble making my images show up on the blog for some reason.  If you can help let me know so I can put these renderings on here!

Natural Modular


With this I really wanted to study how the natural world has its own modular systems that happen to be very effective, such as the one with this study, coral.

Tree symbolism

tree symbology